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Video Usage Proves Vital During COVID-19 Crisis

Telehealth services are now essential for medical providers — and our Video APIs are powering millions of interactions.

Statistic 1: 139,000 (new) providers tried telemedicine using the platform. Statistic 2: 1.35M patients were treated with telemedicine. Statistic 3: 170M minutes of video teleconsultation. Statistic 4: 89.6M streamed sessions minutes. Statistic 5: 168,999 video calls/day on average, over the last week. Statistic 6: 701% increase in video calls week-over-week. Statistic 7: 722% increase in video calls minutes week over week. Statistic 8: 1.68M unique patients in march 202

Our customer,, is a leading telehealth provider.

They supported over 600,000 doctor-to-patient video sessions with over 11 million video minutes—in a single day—in March. Using our video APIs, during the week of March 23, 2020, saw the following:
  • 139,000 (new) providers tried telemedicine using the platform
  • 1.35 million patients were treated with telemedicine
  • 170 million minutes of video teleconsultation
  • 89.6 million streamed sessions minutes
  • 168,999 video calls/day on average, over the last week
  • 701% increase in video calls week-over-week
  • 722% increase in video calls minutes week over week
  • 1.68 million unique patients in March 2020
Animation of video call between a doctor and patient on a mobile device.
Flattening the curve

By helping patients, wherever they are, the risk of infection is minimized for everyone.

Our Video APIs are providing today’s telehealth leaders the ability to expand their diagnostic capabilities virtually. This frees up resources, reduces demand for personal protective equipment (PPE), and limits exposure for healthcare staff and patients.

Our March video trends report offers a deep look at video APIs' growth due to COVID-19.

As the dramatic, universal new need for virtual communications grows, we've seen changes of:
  • +285%: The increase in total Video API platform minutes, over last three months (March vs. Jan. 2020)
  • +232%: The increase in total Video API platform minutes, month over month (March vs. Feb. 2020)
  • +727%: The increase in healthcare Video API minutes, month over month (March vs. Feb. 2020)
"Telehealth is playing a key role in keeping doctors and patients safe and healthy during this crisis, and we predict that when we’re on the other side of this, it will become an accepted front-line medical practice."
Brandon Welch, Founder,

Learn more about our Video APIs

Interested in how Video APIs can help your practice bring medical professionals and patients together through secure, interactive video sessions? Connect with a Vonage API expert: fill out the form and we'll get back to you shortly.

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