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Do you know how your e-commerce customers want to connect?

We surveyed 5,000 consumers across the globe, and our research reveals how buyer preferences—and expectations—have rapidly evolved. See what it takes to deliver a winning e-commerce experience.

46% increase in online retail consumers
New world. New rules.

Consumers quickly adapted to life in a pandemic

Ready or not, retailers and e-commerce platforms are transforming to meet an explosion in grocery mobile app ordering, home delivery, click-and-collect, curbside pickups, remote customer support, and video shopping this year. 


Is your e-commerce business ready?

Puzzle of e-commerce channel preferences
Channel preferences remain fragmented

Give people the customer experience they want, where they want it

Need more motivation to jump-start your omnichannel customer engagement strategy? Our data shows that mobile phone calls are the favorite way to connect with businesses, but 70% of consumers prefer a puzzle of other channels—and channel preferences vary wildly by region and country.


"Conversions are critical to the success of any e-commerce business, and as more and more customers rely on mobile devices and applications to shop, learn, and watch, we required a globally scalable, reliable mobile communications partner."

Maxime Pruvost Carts Guru CTO and co-founder
Have you read our full 10th Annual Global Customer Engagement Report yet?


Get practical solutions to today’s biggest CX hurdles in retail and e-commerce

Download our e-commerce customer engagement insights to learn how Vonage APIs can help you reach shoppers anywhere, and set you up with a high-performing CX for a changed world. Here's what you'll find:

  • 4 key CX insights and challenges revealed from our research
  • Communications APIs solutions to meet those challenges
  • A scorecard of consumer channel preferences across the globe
An image of communications across the globe


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정보를 제출하면 귀하가 관심을 가질 만한 제품과 서비스에 대해 전화와 이메일을 통해 연락을 받는다는 데 동의하게 됩니다. 귀하의 데이터는 다음 규정에 따라 처리됩니다: 개인정보 보호 정책.


정보를 제출하면 귀하가 관심을 가질 만한 제품과 서비스에 대해 전화와 이메일을 통해 연락을 받는다는 데 동의하게 됩니다. 귀하의 데이터는 다음 규정에 따라 처리됩니다: 개인정보 보호 정책.

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